

Where did you get that awesome bike?
Beacon's newest greatest bike shop People's Bicycle.

Peoples Bicycle is a used and recycled bicycle shop in Beacon, NY. They specialize in building simple, robust and reasonably priced bikes. They can bring your old bike back to life and update it with a variety of high quality parts.

Why is composting important?

Composting is good for the planet! Composting by bike is a good choice if you do not have the space, time, knowledge, or desire to deal with kitchen scraps on your own.

Compost will happen no matter where the food scraps end up – if it's the landfill they will decompose anaerobically (without air), producing methane, a greenhouse gas 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. 14% of our municipal waste consists of food matter, with less than 3% being recovered or recycled. In total, landfills produce 20% of the world's methane emissions, a huge contributor to global climate change.
(All figures courtesy of www.epa.gov)

Composting is a valuable tool in educating children about nature and the cycle of life.

Where will my kitchen scraps go to be composted?
Your kitchen scraps will go to local organic farms such as Common Ground Farm http://www.commongroundfarm.org/

It will also be going to compost sites in Beacon. Your kitchen scraps will stay local!

Can I get any finished compost back?
If you would like to receive a share of  finished compost back please let us know when you sign up. Because weather, temperature, and quantity influence speed of compost we cannot at this time guarantee when and how much finished compost you will receive.

How does your composting consultation work?

The ultmate goal of GoBike is to help people make changes in their lives that will benefit themselves, their local community, and the global community. If you would like to start composting in your yard we would love to help you. Give a call or an email and GoBike will set up a time to come to your house and help you get started. Consultations are pay what you can. We can also help with bin construction.

Can you really do all of those things on your deliveries and hauling page on a bike!?!
It may take GoBike a little longer to move heavy loads but YES!  GoBike can do a lot with a bike and a big trailer.  Our operating costs are low and this allows us to offer affordable services.

email: [email protected]
phone: 845.418.2ECO (326)